A Pytorch implementation of Poisson Identifiable VAE (pi-VAE).
This is a Pytorch implementation of Poisson Identifiable VAE (pi-VAE), used to construct latent variable models of neural activity while simultaneously modeling the relation between the latent and task variables (non-neural variables, e.g. sensory, motor, and other externally observable states).
The original implementation by Ding Zhou and Xue-Xin Wei in Tensorflow 1.13 is available here.
Another Pytorch implementation by Lyndon Duong is available here.
A special thank you to Zhongxuan Wu who helped in the design and testing of this implementation.
pip install pi-vae-pytorch
For those interested in modifying and testing the codebase, using an editable pip
installation is recommended:
# pi-vae-pytorch/
pip install -e .
pi-VAE is comprised of three main components: the encoder, the label prior estimator, and the decoder.
The Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) is the primary building block of the aforementioned components. Each MLP used in this implementation is configurable by specifying the appropriate parameters when PiVAE
is initialized:
The model’s encoder is comprised of a single MLP, which learns the distribution q(z | x).
The model’s label prior estimator learns the distribution p(z | u). In the discrete label regime this module is comprised of two nn.Embedding
submodules, while in the continuous label regime the module is comprised of a single MLP.
The model’s decoder learns to map a latent sample z
to its predicted firing rate in the model’s observation space. Inputs to the decoder are passed through the following submodules.
This module is comprised of a MLP which maps z
to the concatenation of z
and t(z)
Outputs from the NFlowLayer
are passed to a series of GINBlock
modules. Each GINBlock
is comprised of a specified number of AffineCouplingLayer
modules. Each AffineCouplingLayer
is comprised of a MLP and performs an affine coupling transformation.
x_dim: int
Dimension of observation x
u_dim: int
Dimension of observation labels. In the discrete regeime, this corresponds to the number of unique classes/labels. In the continuous regeime, this corresponds to the dimension of each label.
z_dim: int
Dimension of latent z
: discrete or False
: continuousFlag denoting the observation’s label regeime.
encoder_n_hidden_layers: int, default=2
Number of hidden layers in the MLP of the model’s encoder.
encoder_hidden_layer_dim: int, default=128
Dimensionality of each hidden layer in the MLP of the model’s encoder.
encoder_hidden_layer_activation: nn.Module, default=nn.Tanh
Activation function applied to the outputs of each hidden layer in the MLP of the model’s encoder.
decoder_n_gin_blocks: int, default=2
Number of GIN blocks used within the model’s decoder.
decoder_gin_block_depth: int, default=2
Number of AffineCouplingLayers which comprise each GIN block.
decoder_affine_input_layer_slice_dim: int, default=None
(equivalent to x_dim // 2
Index at which to split an n-dimensional input x.
decoder_affine_n_hidden_layers: int, default=2
Number of hidden layers in the MLP of the model’s encoder.
decoder_affine_hidden_layer_dim: int, default=None
(equivalent to x_dim // 4
Dimensionality of each hidden layer in the MLP of each AffineCouplingLayer.
decoder_affine_hidden_layer_activation: nn.Module, default=nn.ReLU
Activation function applied to the outputs of each hidden layer in the MLP of each AffineCouplingLayer.
decoder_nflow_n_hidden_layers: int, default=2
Number of hidden layers in the MLP of the decoder’s NFlowLayer.
decoder_nflow_hidden_layer_dim: int, default=None
(equivalent to x_dim // 4
Dimensionality of each hidden layer in the MLP of the decoder’s NFlowLayer.
decoder_nflow_hidden_layer_activation: nn.Module, default=nn.ReLU
Activation function applied to the outputs of each hidden layer in the MLP of the decoder’s NFlowLayer.
or poisson
Observation model used by the model’s decoder.
Mininimum threshold used when clamping decoded firing rates.
Maximum threshold used when clamping decoded firing rates.
Number of hidden layers in the MLP of the label prior estimator module.
Dimensionality of each hidden layer in the MLP of the label prior estimator module.
Activation function applied to the outputs of each hidden layer in the MLP of the label prior estimator module.
decoder: nn.Module
The model’s decoder module which projects a latent space sample into the model’s observation space.
decoder_observation_model: str
The distribution of the obervsation space samples. One of poisson
or gaussian
decoder_fr_clamp_min: float
Mininimum threshold used when clamping decoded firing rates.
decoder_fr_clamp_max: float
Maximum threshold used when clamping decoded firing rates.
encoder: nn.Module
The model’s encoder module which approximates q(z | x).
inference: bool, default=False
Flag denoting the model inference mode. When True
the model is in inference mode.
The noise model used when computing the pi-VAE’s loss.
For every observation space sample x
and associated label u
provided to pi-VAE’s forward
method, the encoder and label statistics (mean & log of variance) are obtained from the encoder and label prior modules. These values are used to obtain the same statistics from the full posterior q(z | x,u).
The reparameterization trick is performed with the resulting mean & log of variance to obtain the sample’s representation in the model’s latent space. This latent representation is then passed to the model’s decoder module, which generates the predicted firing rate in the model’s observation space.
Label corresponding to each sample. This parameter is not used when the model is in inference mode.
A dict
with the following items:
encoder_firing_rate: Tensor of shape(n_samples, x_dim)
Predicted firing rate of encoder_z_sample
encoder_z_sample: Tensor of shape(n_samples, z_dim)
Latent space representation of each input sample computed from the encoder module’s approximation of q(z | x).
encoder_z_mean: Tensor of shape(n_samples, z_dim)
Mean of each input sample using the encoder module’s approximation of q(z | x).
encoder_z_log_variance: Tensor of shape(n_samples, z_dim)
Log of variance of each input sample using the encoder module’s approximation of q(z | x).
lambda_mean: Tensor of shape(n_samples, z_dim)
Mean of each input sample using the label prior module’s approximation of p(z | u).
lambda_log_variance: Tensor of shape(n_samples, z_dim)
Log of variance of input each sample using the label prior module’s approximation of p(z | u).
posterior_firing_rate: Tensor of shape(n_samples, x_dim)
Predicted firing rate of posterior_z_sample
posterior_z_sample: Tensor of shape(n_samples, z_dim)
Latent space representation of each input sample computed from the approximation of full posterior q(z | x,u) ~ q(z | x) × p(z | u).
posterior_mean: Tensor of shape(n_samples, z_dim)
Mean of each input sample using the approximation of full posterior of q(z | x,u) ~ q(z | x) × p(z | u).
posterior_log_variance: Tensor of shape(n_samples, z_dim)
Log of variance of each input sample using the approximation of full posterior q(z | x,u) ~ q(z | x) × p(z | u).
A dict
with the following items:
import torch
from pi_vae_pytorch import PiVAE
model = PiVAE(
x_dim = 100,
u_dim = 3,
z_dim = 2,
x = torch.randn(1, 100) # Size([n_samples, x_dim])
u = torch.randn(1, 3) # Size([n_samples, u_dim])
outputs = model(x, u) # dict
import torch
from pi_vae_pytorch import PiVAE
model = PiVAE(
x_dim = 100,
u_dim = 3,
z_dim = 2,
x = torch.randn(1, 100) # Size([n_samples, x_dim])
u = torch.randint(u_dim, (1,)) # Size([n_samples])
outputs = model(x, u) # dict
Projects samples in the model’s latent space (z_dim
) into the model’s observation space (x_dim
) by passing them through the model’s decoder module.
#### Parameters
#### Returns
encode(x, return_stats=False)
Projects samples in the model’s observation space (x_dim
) into the model’s latent space (z_dim
) by passing them through the model’s encoder module.
#### Parameters
x: Tensor of shape(n_samples, x_dim)
Samples to be projected into the model’s observation space.
return_stats: bool, default=False
If True
, the mean and log of the variance associated with the encoded sample are returned; otherwise only the encoded sample is returned.
#### Returns
encoded: Tensor of shape(n_samples, z_dim)
Samples projected into the model’s latent space.
encoded_mean: Tensor of shape(n_samples, z_dim), optional
Mean associated with a projected sample.
encoded_log_variance: Tensor of shape(n_samples, z_dim), optional
Log of the variances associated with a projected sample.
get_label_statistics(u, device=None)
Returns the mean and log of the variance associated with a label u
using the label prior estimator of p(z | u).
#### Parameters
may be used when utilizing the default device.#### Returns
label_mean: Tensor of shape(1, z_dim)
Mean of label u
label_log_variance: Tensor of shape(1, z_dim)
Log of the variance of label u
sample(u, n_samples=1, device=None)
Generates random samples in the model’s observation dimension (x_dim
). Samples are initially drawn from a Gaussian distribution in the model’s latent dimension (z_dim
) corresponding to specified label u
. Samples are subsequently lifted to the model’s observation dimension (x_dim
) by passing them through the model’s decoder.
#### Parameters
u: int, float, list, tuple, or Tensor of shape(1, u_dim)
Label of the samples to generate. An integer is expected in the discrete label regime, while a float, list, tuple or Pytorch Tensor is expected in the continuous label regime.
n_samples: int, default=1
Number of samples to generate.
device: torch.device, default=None
Pytorch device on which the model currently resides. A value of None
may be used when utilizing the default device.
#### Returns
sample_z(u, n_samples=1, device=None)
Generates random samples in the model’s latent dimension (z_dim
). Samples are drawn from a Gaussian distribution corresponding to specified label u
#### Parameters
u: int, float, list, tuple, or Tensor of shape(1, u_dim)
Label of the samples to generate. An integer is expected in the discrete label regime, while a float, list, tuple or Pytorch Tensor is expected in the continuous label regime.
n_samples: int, default=1
Number of samples to generate.
device: torch.device, default=None
Pytorch device on which the model currently resides. A value of None
may be used when utilizing the default device.
#### Returns
Toggles the model’s inference state flag. When True
, the model’s forward
method does not utilize the u
parameter. When False
, the u
parameter is utilized. Useful for working with unlabeled data. NOTE: Inference mode must be disabled during model training.
#### Parameters
pi-VAE learns the deep generative model and the approximate posterior q(z | x, u) of the true posterior p(z | x, u) by maximizing the evidence lower bound (ELBO) of p(x | u). This loss function is implemented in the included ELBOLoss
or gaussian
when initializing pi-VAE.The observation model used by pi-VAE’s decoder.
(uses the current device for the default tensor type)
An object representing the device on which a torch.Tensor
will be allocated. Should match the device
on which the model resides.
x: Tensor of shape(n_samples, x_dim)
Observations x
firing_rate: Tensor of shape(n_samples, x_dim)
Predicted firing rate of generated latent z
lambda_mean: Tensor of shape(n_samples, z_dim)
Means from label prior p(z | u).
lambda_log_variance: Tensor of shape(n_samples, z_dim)
Log of variances from label prior p(z | u).
posterior_mean: Tensor of shape(n_samples, z_dim)
Means from full posterior of q(z | x,u) ~ q(z | x) × p(z | u).
posterior_log_variance: Tensor of shape(n_samples, z_dim)
Log of variances from full posterior of q(z | x,u) ~ q(z | x) × p(z | u).
observation_noise_model: nn.Module, default=None
The noise model used when pi-VAE’s decoder utilizes a Gaussian observation model. When pi-VAE is initialized with decoder_observation_model='gaussian'
, the model’s observation_noise_model
attribute should be used.
from pi_vae_pytorch import ELBOLoss
loss_fn = ELBOLoss()
outputs = model(x, u) # Initialized with decoder_observation_model='poisson'
loss = loss_fn(
import torch
from pi_vae_pytorch import ELBOLoss
device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
model = model.to(device) # Initialized with decoder_observation_model='gaussian'
loss_fn = ELBOLoss(observation_model='gaussian', device=device)
outputs = model(x, u)
loss = loss_fn(
title={Learning identifiable and interpretable latent models of high-dimensional neural activity using pi-VAE},
author={Ding Zhou and Xue-Xin Wei},